In many ways Loch Fleet gives you three reserves for the price of one. Linger on the edge of the tidal basin at low tide to watch the intense feeding activity of hungry wading birds. Walk out onto the sand dunes and you can enjoy the carpet of wild flowers that nestles on the dunes against a grey lichen backdrop. Or wander in the woodland and smell the fresh scent of pine needles, whilst searching out rare pinewood plants.
National Nature Reserve
Contact Details
Loch Fleet NNR Manager, Scottish Natural Heritage, The Links, Golspie, Sutherland.
Opening Times
Always open
Location Information
Area: East Sutherland
OS Grid Reference: NH 814 976
Accessibility Information
Some paths and the Balblair Bay bird hide are accessible by wheelchair. Allocated parking at Balblair carpark. For details see the NNR website ( )